3D Computer Graphic in business today.
21st century is the age of the Internet and web technology. Particularly, for creative people it is an essential advantage. New technologies provide more freedom of thought, and they extend framework for human creativity. Designers, architects, engineers, artists – professionals and amateurs, no matter of their location, can bring their ideas to virtual life with computer graphics. 3d visualization and 3d modeling created with 3dsmax, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD etc. were introduced in different areas of our life. Let’s look a little on business area in which we can use 3d visualization and 3d modeling. Commercial use of 3D visualization and 3D modeling is unlimited, but we try to describe most popular of them.
1. CG Advertising.
One of the main forms of influence on people, specific information about individuals or products, delivered in any form and in any way for direct or indirect profit.
TV advertising, print media, websites (newspapers, magazines, billboards)

3d modeling for advertising.
2. Film industry
The film industry consists of the technological and commercial institutions, namely industrial production companies, cartoon studios, film studios, distributors, production companies, acting agencies, professional associations of the film industry.

Computer graphic for Film industry
3. Interactive entertainment industry and Video game industry.
Economic sector, linked to the development, promotion and sale of video games around the World.

Interactive entertainment industry and Video game industry
4. Web Presentations
Web presentation where we using a lot of 3d models and pictures.
Plans and schedules, short video animation featuring simple 3d models, info-graphics, logos and layouts.

Web Presentations
5. Is an effective form of competitive demonstration projects, creating presentations in the field of design and construction. Architectural visualization has become a special focus in the work of architects and designers. A the moment architectural visualization includes a wide variety of problems for both builders and architects, as well as for advertising and creative industries. This wide range of possibilities of architectural visualization created the conditions for the development of this field of computer graphics in a separate branch of service and services in the global market.

Architectural visualization
6. 3d Printing
3D-printing is a form of additive manufacturing technology where a three-dimensional object is created by the overlapping of successive layers of material.

7. Augmented Reality
Augmented reality – a component of a mixed reality which also includes “augmented by computer-generated ” (when the real objects are integrated in the virtual environment).
• Combining virtual and real
• Interactions in real time
• Works in 3D

Augmented Reality