360 panorama images

360-degree panorama images are getting more and more popular. It is a very promising interactive technology that gives viewers a chance to see everything that surrounds the point from which the photo was taken. It may consist of two or more shots that are able to provide the effect of full immersion. Such panoramas may be spherical or cylindrical, the former is more widespread because the viewing angle is the maximum possible that allows seeing all the surroundings including the floor and the ceiling if it is a building.

360-degree panoramas are used not only for Google Maps, yet it could be one of the first thoughts, but for commercial projects, architecture and design, for portfolios and websites where potential clients receive an adequate impression of what the company really are. The impression is very important when it comes to the sphere of design and every detail is meaningful, that why the panoramas are so indispensable. Moreover, they have an advantage over a movie on screen as they give viewers an opportunity to look around trying various angles and perspectives as if they are located there themselves.